We have selected for you three essential oils in aromatherapy which are rich in eugenol, linalyl, linalool and terpinene-4-ol, discover this kit and enjoy the benefits of these leading oils.
We have selected for you five must-have aromatherapy oils that are rich in monoterpene, alpha-terpineol, terpene compounds, menthol... Discover this kit and enjoy the benefits of these famous oils
We have selected for you two precious vegetable oils, two rare, miraculous oils for the body, skin, face and hair. Two products rich in sterols, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.
Discover this kit and enjoy the benefits of these luxurious oils.
We have selected for you three essential and vegetable oils, oils that perfectly fight against the causes of acne. Three products rich in enterpinene-4-ol, linalyl acetate and linalool, fatty acids, discover this kit and enjoy the benefits of these great oils.
We have selected four precious essential and vegetable oils for you: oils whose main virtue is to moisturize and nourish the hair and make it denser and shinier. Four products rich in vitamins E and A, omegas 6 and 9, alpha-terpenoleoleptic compounds. Discover this kit and enjoy the benefits of these miraculous oils.
We have selected for you four of the best oils for cooking, which will give you an exceptional flavour and quality of taste through the delicacy of their aromas. These products are rich in fatty acids, monoterpene and menthol. Discover this kit and enjoy the benefits of these oils for healthy and tasty recipes.
We have selected for you an assortment of essential and vegetable oils for a relaxing massage. Products rich in vitamin A and E, linalyl acetate, linalool and eucalyptol, discover this kit and enjoy the benefits of these oils.
We have selected for you three essenciell oils, oils recommended for aromatherapy. These three products are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, eugenols and terpene compounds. Discover this kit and enjoy the benefits of these luxurious oils.
We have selected for you three essential oils for body care: bath oils for a moment of relaxation and well-being. Products rich in fatty acids, terpinene-4-ol and alpha-pinene. Discover this kit and enjoy the benefits of these luxurious oils.
We have selected three fantastic essential oils for you to start a journey into the world of essential oils. Products rich in linalyl acetate, linalool, monoterpene and menthol.
Discover this kit and enjoy the benefits of these luxurious oils.
We have selected for you three fundamental essential oils of aromatherapy: a trio rich in menthol, 1.8 cineole (eucalyptol), alpha-pinene and delta-3-carene.
Discover this kit and enjoy the benefits of these oils.
We have selected for you three effective oils for the skin: two vegetable oils and one essential oil to take care of your skin. Two products rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (omega 9), polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 6), vitamin E, vitamin A, linalyl acetate and linalool. Discover this kit and enjoy the benefits of these oils.